Place Ad

To place an ad select if you are a donor or a recipient and as mentioned below, due to ongoing costs to run this website, there needs to be a charge, mainly for recipients/intended parents, I’m sorry but I can’t afford anymore to pay thousands of dollars a year to run it :(, I’ve been paying this for the 12 plus years since I started Egg Donor Angels.

Just select your category and then follow the prompts including payment. Please note that if you are a recipient, do not select the donor ad fee of $1 as when your ad is paid for at this price it will show as “unpaid” in my system/website so your ad will not be approved and you will need re-submit the ad and pay the full recipient fee of $30.

Thanks so much for advertising on our site. xox Just a couple of things we would like to make you aware of.

If you are looking for your Egg Donor Angel, you may be contacted by people wanting payment for egg donation, we have made every effort on the site to tell potential Egg Donor Angels that it’s illegal to be paid for Egg Donation in Australia however some women may still contact you directly requesting this.  I have no control over this but would suggest you ignore these emails, sadly any advertisement for an egg donor can attract this attention. You may also be approached by some women to do tubal ligation or embryo sharing, please talk to your IVF clinic and get legal advice re these requests. We also have found that women from overseas have also contacted couples looking for their Egg Donor Angel offering to donate their eggs.  We would suggest that if you decide to correspond with an overseas donor you decide to travel overseas for it, they charge for egg donation, we would highly recommend you seek advice from your IVF clinic re overseas egg donation or get independent legal advice. xox

If you are living in Victoria, please make sure you have approval for your ad and have placed the approval number in the ad, thank you 🙂

If you are hoping to be an Egg Donor Angel, firstly thank you xox and if you can please read the process and legal requirements of becoming an egg donor.  As I am sure you would understand it’s a very emotional journey for the recipient and for yourself and we want to make sure that you embark on this journey together with a full understanding of it all. xox Also please keep us updates on your journey and if you have any questions

You will  also notice a Facebook and a  Twitter icon, these will enable you to share your ad on these two sites to further promote  your search for your Egg Donor Angel or your wonderful offer to become an Egg Donor Angel.

If you need to edit your ad, please click on the ‘edit ad’ icon and enter your email address and your ad access key that was emailed to you originally when you placed the ad.

All ads are to be approved prior to going live on the website, this could take up to 48 hours as I run this website on my own time and mostly my money sometimes I am unable to approve ads immediately.  I promise you I will get your ad approved as soon as possible as I understand how keen you are to get started.

Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Twitter and also join our Facebook group, a private place to offer support and to chat xox

Sadly I need to charge a fee to place an ad on my website. For many years I have run the website on my own time and money costing me thousands of dollars (at least over $10,000). Unfortunately I can no longer afford to keep paying these costs especially with increased costs including big dollars to protect the website from hackers. I either have to charge a fee per month or close the site.
I am now charging a $30 fee for 3 months (so $10 per month) to recipients/intended parents that will need to be paid via Paypal to cover the websites costs. I’m sorry to do this and I hope people will acknowledge the time and money I’ve already invested into this to help so many have their family and realise that this costs our family money that we can no longer afford (and couldn’t afford for many years already).

Egg donors/embryo donors and surrogates advertising on the website will only be charged a token fee of $1, understandably.

I’ve done all of this on my own with no other income for over 10 years as it’s truly my passion, I haven’t charged any fees for this website until now but have incurred over $10,000 in costs for the site to run and that’s actual costs, it doesn’t include my time. If you would like to donate further to this website, the Facebook page and groups and help me to keep helping others find their Egg Donor Angel, please click on the donate now button or my details are on the website. All donations will go into improving the website, the processes, to finding more egg donor angels and to creating more awareness for this wonderful cause.

Thank you, every bit helps as I started Egg Donor Angels with my own money  and my own time (and lots of it :)) and I continue to run it on my own time and money, it’s almost a full time job now.. but I love doing this and am so very passionate about it xoxox

Account name: Dianne Johnston BSB: 112-879 Account number: 066 926 009
