Please ensure that you have read all the Australian legal requirements before approaching someone to be an Egg Donor Angel.
It is illegal in Australia to be paid for Egg Donation in Australia, all medical costs will be covered by the potential recipients and only “reasonable” out-of-pocket expenses will be compensated to the donor upon agreement with them, this could include travel, parking, time off work (only a reasonable amount of time for procedures and appointments) and other costs directly associated with the donation. This gift is altruistic and please only contact the advertisers on this basis as this is a very emotional time for potential recipients and unreasonable and illegal requests will only be denied if asked. If you are expecting payment or any of the above mentioned for egg donation then please do not proceed with contacting the advertiser.
Requests including tubal ligation and embryo splitting/sharing in return for egg donation are illegal.
If you are a business including other egg donor websites, overseas agencies etc. please do not contact my advertisers on this website, if you would like to discuss it further, please contact me at
I get a copy of all correspondence to my advertisers and will be aware of any correspondence that it illegal or does not comply. This is a very private and personal journey and I ask you to respect each advertisers privacy by not contacting them unless you are genuine.
Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Twitter and also join our Facebook group, a private place to offer support and to chat xox
Please consider donating to my website as this is my baby for over 12 years, I’ve spent thousands of dollars keeping the website live. I’ve helped thousands of people every year through the site, with phone calls, emails, my many Facebook groups and private messages and all with my own money and my own time.
Access to potential egg donors on my site is free so a donation would help keep the website going, thanks so much.
Account name: Dianne Johnston
BSB: 112-879
Account number: 066 926 009 or