Ashleigh & Jake from Newcastle - Hoping to grow our family

Ideally looking for someone local, but happy to look interstate

Hi everyone,

I'm Ashleigh (31) a primary school teacher from Newcastle, NSW. My husband, Jake (32) is a builder with his own building company. We met in 2012, got married in 2019 and had our first born, Ollie (3) in 2021.

We enjoy being outdoors, getting away camping when we can and spending time with family and friends. Our little Ollie is full of beans and loves burning energy. We of course are so grateful to have him, but we know we want to grow our family so badly.

We have been on the fertility journey for just over 2 years. I found out that I have Premature Ovarian Failure. After some further investigations and IVF attempts, my specialist said that donor eggs are our only option. While this was a shock at first, we have now had some time to process and turn sadness into excitement for this journey. We are ready to start straight away!

The idea of having a known donor feels special to us and I would love our future child to know the kindness and generosity someone has given to help bring them into the world. Ideally, we would love a local donor and to keep going through our specialist at Genea (Newcastle), but happy to look into travelling/paying for someone to travel to us.

We hope to be considered! Thank you for taking the time to read our ad.


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As I do all of this on my own with no other income as it’s truly my passion, I don’t charge any fees for this website, it’s totally free so if you would like to donate to this website, the Facebook page and groups and help me to keep helping others find their Egg Donor Angel, please click on the donate now button below  or my details are below xox.  All donations will go into improving the website, the processes, to finding more egg donor angels and to creating more awareness for this wonderful cause.

Thank you, every bit helps as I started Egg Donor Angels with my own money  and my own time (and lots of it :)) and I continue to run it on my own time and money, it’s almost a full time job now.. but I love doing this and am so very passionate about it xoxox

Account name: Dianne Johnston

BSB: 112-879

Account number: 066 926 009
